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Insomnia And Happiness

Its been over a year and half that I slept well at night. And enjoyed a whole cup of coffee sitting down, had a bath everyday ( judge me all you want ) or paid full attention to what the other person is saying when in conversation (not always unintentionally).

So on the rare occasion that I manage to do one or all the above (a very rare and auspicious occasion) I am elated. You know that drivel about feeling blessed and appreciating the simple things in life? I used to think, sure that’s totally done when you have everything plus a MAID!! Then I, would even appreciate the dust under the couch that I have been covering up with a throw rug for weeks now! 

However, now all that has started to make sense. When you have stayed awake all night because the baby won’t stop crying, you are obviously grateful for the nights that you can sleep for two hours straight. Yes I am talking on that level.

But on every other day when I am this far from pulling my hair out, I patiently remind myself that I am doing an awesome job raising two kids on my own, away from home. Believe me you ladies in the same boat reminding yourself this makes you feel like a million bucks even without makeup. I promise it works every single time.

Here people love the sun because winters are long and hard like how back home we love rain after the stifling heat. But I can’t afford to wait for the sun or the rain so I am learning to play in the snow and wear glares and a hat to tackle the sun. Who am I kidding? I am no saint. Not even close.

The last couple of sentences roughly translate to how I have learnt to stuff my face with food, shower like we are running out of water and whisper everything I need to tell/ask amma over the phone, not allowing her to talk in between while fervently praying that all that noise doesn't wake the kids. When nothing else works I resort to retail therapy. 


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