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It’s quite impossible to explain the impact some incidents in life have on you. Suddenly, the things that seemed the most important till today become insignificant and man begins to appreciate and reconsider his stand.
So unaware a being has Providence made Man that he lives every day without having the slightest hunch of what might happen the very next minute. That makes him adept at complaining, fighting and hating another. Be it on a larger level- terrorism or at a more identifiable level- being jealous of a friend.
We know how it is all going to end and baffling enough don’t know when. Then why do we put ourselves (me included) through all this drama of love, hate, sorrow, anger? Why is it that we crave for appreciation? Why is it that we want to have it all when we very well realize it’s not for keeps? Why is it that we always feel that we deserve more? Why is it that even when a friend or a relative is going through a bad patch it’s still ‘I’ that matters? Why is that the one person who doesn’t seem to care much about us, is the exact person we are in love with? Why is it so difficult to forgive? Why do we always have to win an argument? And why for crying out loud is the grass ALWAYS (always always...) greener on the other side?
I think that it’s only when one experiences unhappiness that these thoughts cross our mind. But then again as time passes it’s all back to how it was! However when the episode leaves a mark causing you to open your mind and heart,  you as a person begin to grow. Rarely do we realize what a waste all this is and try to make the most of our short lives. If we look at the big picture, we’d notice that somehow all of us are heading the same way. We run on different tracks in life but isn’t it towards the same finish line?
I’d like to believe that god gives us only things he knows we can handle. So I always tell myself whatever happens good, bad or ugly is for a reason mostly to our advantage. That sort of lightens things up and makes the journey worthwhile coz I better stick around to find out why did it happen after all and more importantly why me? ;)


Poornima said…
oh honey u r a wizard.. u've taken stuff right outta my mind and written it dwn.. :) totally relate to wat u hv written.. :) luv it..
Balu said…
Luv, even being a harsh critic most times, I should admit this article has class written all over it. And yes, its FULL of substance, both the content and the language. Way to go!!
Unknown said…
Poorni i am so glad you like it. and i am so so happy that you read what i write! love you for all the encouragement! :
Unknown said…
Shree was wondering why you didnt call. so you like it huh? ;)
jay said…
Hey Radhu,Cldn agree more with you...Now that I am going through it, my thoughts exactly. All seems so insignificant and so unimportant when u realize that life is so unpredictable. We human beings think we r too smart..."I have planned the next 10/15 yrs of my life"....Little do we realize that there is some power above us all which navigates our lives and the path has already been chalked!!!
Unknown said…
Athai must i tell you what made me write this?
Unknown said…
this is making me think "were am i standing at the moment?" A beautiful article!!! hats 2 u
Unknown said…
tottally luvd the way u've rtten it........i felt lyk i was reading my thoughts!!!!y dnt u approach a publisher??!!!!.......u hav a bright future my child!!!!
sumeet said…
Radhika, Very well written!! I have been an admirer of the way you write from child hood.. Keep it coming..Pls dont stop for any reason..
Unknown said…
Hey..superb style..n..excellent use of language...
content actually very tough to explain...
hmmmm....keep writing...
shashtrigal kudumbam ka naam roshan kar diya tune!

Divya Suku said…
Radhika! This is a beautiful expression of what truly goes through one's head from time to time. Loved it. This is the first time I'm reading something that you've written; and all I can say is you have a gift. I hope you never ever give up penning down the thoughts that flow through your head!!! cheers

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