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On Junk Food and Life Lessons

I hardly know of anyone who doesn't care for a double decker burger, some french fries, a portion of cheesecake and anything that is dipped in oil, heavy with cream and therefore “sinful”. Just the thought of chocolates gets me drooling.

People can’t stop drinking coffee or stop smoking cigarettes. I can’t get myself to drink enough water and I never have the time for any exercise. Although a growing waistline is a constant reminder of my atrocious food habits it is still so difficult to do the right thing!! Or should I rephrase that and say, so easy to, I wont say do the wrong thing (I find it scandalous should anyone brand a slice of delicious cheese pizza wrong), indulge?

Many a time I find myself asking the prime mover, why go through the trouble of making something as unique as the human being and expect him not to binge when he is spoilt for choice. I am convinced its the way we are made because my 16 month old prefers chips to eating rice. Ok agreed, man made pastries and not god. So i redirect the question to my fellow sufferers. How is it that we end up finding things that are logically bad for us but practically impossible to stay away from?

It is like when you were 13 and your parents drove you crazy with all the wise counsel that was invidious and 10 years down the line you wished you had lent half a ear to what they had to say but never ever, consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily even in your dreams admitted to being wrong. What could we have possibly done? Nothing they said made any sense then!! See what I said about the Homo Sapien genome.

That leads me to believe man lives in retrospect. To live a full life we can’t play it safe all the time and in every situation. But there are things not worth risking like our health- physical and mental But that doesn't stop me from enjoying my hot chocolate with extra cream or seeing through my mom when she is making her usual harangue about the benefits of waking up early.


Rekha said…
ha ha.....lo of things in your blog is what i have thot too but never penned down ! Last 10 yrs of marriage has made me think like a wife & mom trying to juggle between personal and professional life...morning till I sleep, mind is blogged with,packing,feeding,laundry,office...never do i get a moment for myself ! Gosh ! many a time I feel i should escape to himalayas once every 6 months to be my own self !

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