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Guilty As Charged

I perform hard mental labour every single day. I am very meticulous in making observations, analysis, deductions and conclusions. But I don't get anything out of it ; no job satisfaction, no growth, no appreciation and no money - not even a couple of bucks. What service do I provide? I pass judgements… on people ofcourse.I reckon all of us do. Some of us are very passionate, performing the service full time, some part time and the others, the clever ones opt for a better vocation.

Having realised I am getting nil benefits in my current position, I decided to focus my valuable energy on figuring out on how the situation can be improved to my advantage.

Here are some judgement worthy situations and common reactions to it. 

Skin-tone: On seeing someone very fair, he/she is undoubtedly a snob, is proud and boastful. A dark skin colour on the other hand evokes sympathy or contempt. This is on the outside while inside you are thinking how dark or fair you personally are and how people look at you.
Financial status: All rich are vain, the poor uncouth and the middle class are such wannabes, of course it all depends on your bank balance
Career: A successful person got there because he has contacts and a person who isn't there yet is not trying hard enough. So did someone beat you to a promotion? And how many times have you heard the latter, making you join the herd in pointing fingers at someone else. 

So apparently, nothing is wrong with the world. It is just that our mind is a monkey and it needs to be tweaked. Focussing on ourselves every time we have the urge to judge others has its benefits. We get more creative ( write blogs about it or maybe make a poster about an ideal world with ideal people), enjoy the buzzing bees and colourful butterflies (and stop staring at someone dressed badly or secretly lust after that BMW while shaking your head disapprovingly at the sorry state of the unsustainable energy sources).

Now tell me how much can we do for the world? Shouldn't we start thinking a little about our well being? Shouldn’t we be spending time on personal growth? Yoga anyone? Moreover if we don’t focus on self improvement will we be qualified enough to perform our duties and assess the world to the best of our abilities? 

What is more, no one really cares about what we think because everyone is busy playing out their own drama.

p.s I seem have graduated from this to this now. Or maybe I have realised that everything we judge in others is something in ourselves we don’t want to face. 


sharankris9 said…
very nice one..which is so prominent but fail to realise
sharankris9 said…
very nice one..which is so prominent but we fail to realise

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