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Do you have time?

Now does this happen with you? You are busy, have hardly any time to breathe and have a million things on your mind! But then suddenly out of nowhere you think of all the things you could do, had you just a breather. I for one seem to shine with creativity, come up with a million topics to write, new recipes to cook, oh! And that cupboard of mine that needs to be cleaned! Sigh if only I had the time.
Finally Chronos smiles upon me giving me a weekend or sometimes even more. But then I can’t seem to recollect and I wonder. What was it that I had to write about? What did I have to try with cooking? And what about my cupboard?  Also it’s about having the accessories to work with. Like a MacBook pro wouldn’t hurt you know. If anything it’ll be such a motivation to write! Then the devil that my mind is begins to grumble and this is how I manifest it ‘I have nothing to do. I am bored’. And when I am bored what do i feel like doing? Nothing and what is the only thing I wish I had? Shocking enough ‘WORK’.
Yes please meet Ms.Workoholic. I wasn’t aware that I was guilty of this crime until I couldn’t sleep at night because I was just not tired enough. There have been days, in school and college, when all I wanted to do was shut my eyes to the high-rise that my books made and just go to sleep. From that to Insomnia.
And when I tell someone about these ‘concerns’, the solutions are plain enough. You live in Europe you should be visiting museums and palaces, siting in Cafes, enjoying the parks, read more, write more, do it when you have the time etc. etc. etc.. After listening to these suggestions I decide ok I shouldn’t be complaining and maybe I should try new and exciting things. As soon as I decide on it, I don’t know how, there comes up something so important it can’t wait! It needs to be done right away. Then I think to myself, “Bugger just when I had made plans!” 
But this is how it is! Every single time! After a lot of thinking (a slow learner) I concluded that, it’s not work, it’s not about having time and it’s definitely not about the accessories. For me it’s all in my mind! Maybe I should do a meditation course or learn yoga to help tame my mind. God if only I had some time!


Unknown said…
tooooo goooood radhu!!!!!!!!!!...
nw i hav time 2 do thngs dat i luv to but still i dont...da gr8 big mind o mine is stopping me!!!! actually too many thngs bothering my mind...:( thnkng abt those thngs totally eats away my time n thus i hav no qlty time...
Poornima said…
what can i say radhu.... u write abt things tht happens to me all the time.. am not surprised tho- soulmates tht we are... :) as always love the way you write... u shud seriously think of writing a book.. :) and wen u do gimme the first copy.. autographed of course.. ;) mwahh!!
Unknown said…
@Kavi: And I thought it was just me. It is such a relief to know that you too feel the same. I am happy you like it!

@Poorni: Like i was telling Kavita I am so happy its not just me! And matters so much to me that you relate to what I write. And the book to tell you the truth its a dream. Maybe i will write one and i do then you get the first 1 for sure! ;)
jay said…
This is something which happens to all of us all the time isnt it?

Good job once again!:)
Unknown said…
Super Like!!!....
Unknown said…
@Athai: Yes it does Athai. I was raking my brains over what I should write. So thats when I realised this! ;)

@Vigu: Thanks re. I was just going to mail and ask if you read it! :)

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