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Showing posts from September, 2010

In a land that calls a lucky guy “lucky fungi”

For about a year now things have been on and off!! But the take away has been a lot more than what can be packed into a years’ time!! It began with getting married. The next one was coming to live in this country where hardly anyone spoke the language I did and neither could I speak theirs. So it’s easy to deduce that finding a job was a far cry. For a person fresh from having done her Masters, so eager to work (guess to my own regret later on..)  And finally make some money of her own, it was a big letdown. It is in such confused times that one begins to think about dreams unfulfilled. So that’s how we hit upon the idea of learning German. Moreover that would be the logical step 1 to doing anything here. That was the start button. Once that was on, my life was full again. Meeting people from many different countries (like Slovenia, Slovakia don’t we leave them with our Geography lessons??) and learning their Culture brought a massive change to my outlook.  It does feel...

So what do THEY think about it?

To hell with what they think!! I simply admire people who base their life on this principle. But easier said than done. Yes, I belong to the unfortunate other half who are not so brave. It’s a routine that sort of grows on you. An uncontrollable need to please people as Monica (of F.R.I.E.N.D.S fame) says. I have noticed how this chivalrous segment sails through life even in troubled waters without taking life too seriously. I understand that that is the secret- Don’t take life too seriously. It’s only when everything has to be perfect and you want to get noticed and appreciated, that things get ditzy.  After all, the world is not a perfect place. Being self-conscious and crunched up all the time is another common trait. That’s when everything wrong about you come into focus and the soldier that’s confidence takes a big blow.  When so much is going on, what me and my fellow miserables don’t realize is that the people who point fingers are in no way better than you are. If...